I am back!

We are back from Italy, and thoroughly exhausted. So many things in 8 days–next time we will start in the city and end in the country instead of alternating. My feet!

A quicky recap of things we saw:

Giant mountains as we wound sloooowly (and car-sickly) through the Dolomites:

Our name everywhere in Ben’s Dad’s hometown:

A cruise ship trying to eat Venice:

cruise venice

A moody evening in Tuscany:

Unseasonably warm ruins in Rome:

Also a total 70s pornstache in the Capitoline museums (sweet choker, too.):

Much, much more to come… The food was not as fabulous as in past trips, but there were some memorable meals and of course I have lots of photos of gorgeous produce. Currently we’re just trying to stay awake until 9 p.m.

Did I miss anything this week?

5 thoughts on “I am back!”

  1. Hey KFGR: welcome back! Love seeing the photos. BTW the Dying Gaul is a very famous statue but until now, who knew it had inspired the razor cut, blow-dried hairstyles and big moustaches of the 1970s? His torc* would have been solid gold, though, not puka shells.

    (*) Please, not a “choker,” if you care about your grade in the Asterix & Obelix seminar! 😉

  2. Dad- See, I’d have made the connection re. the statue if only I had found ANY info anywhere near the statues in the museum!
    And I am so flying through my Asterix & Obelix midterm–I ate wild boar in their honor, such are my brown-nosing skills.

  3. > I ate wild boar…

    Ms. KFGR:
    Your adoring fans are anxiously waiting food details and photos from your trip.

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