Dutch Baby experiment

(Ok, that title may bring horrible searchers to the site.)

Many ages ago I wrote about making a Dutch Baby, or oven pancake. It was a favorite sunday night supper at home, and I have frequently made them when we needed a quick and comforting dinner.

Last Thursday we were exhausted and kind of cold, so I thought a Dutch Baby would be a great food solution. Only once I had started did I remember that we were almost out of milk. I had half and half, so I was about to dilute that with water when Ben suggested I use up some of the buttermilk we had in the fridge. “Hmm,” I said. “Buttermilk sure has a different texture from real milk.” But what the heck, we gave it a try. First of all, the batter was very yellow, even yellower than the 5 eggs usually make it:

(I had let the butter brown a bit too much in the oven, oops!)

And lo and behold, the dutch baby just didn’t puff. Ok, it did a little bit, but it didn’t soar upwards like it normally does. As a reminder, here is a normal Dutch Baby (Tom’s finger for scale):

Here is the buttermilk Dutch Baby, even flatter since I forgot to shoot a picture until I’d cut it:

Be honest, though: Doesn’t that look pretty freaking tasty? It was; it tasted great, and the only difference I noticed was that it was denser than normal. God, I could eat that every day! I’ll use milk next time, though–I missed the puffy sides!

Dutch Baby, from memory
(Recipe from Mom, of course!)

5 eggs
1 cup milk
1 cup flour
1/3 cup butter

Preheat the oven to 425 and put the butter in a 9X13 pyrex dish. Put it in the oven to melt.

While the butter melts, crack the eggs into a blender and blend on high for 1 minutes. Gradually add the milk and blend briefly. Gradually add the flour and blend for 30 seconds.

Pour the batter into the melted butter (BE CAREFUL taking that pyrex out of the oven; it’s hot!) and bake for about 20-25 minutes, until it is enormously puffed up and nicely golden brown. Aim for photo 2, not photo 3. Serve hot with syrup or with powdered sugar and fruit. Yum!

11 thoughts on “Dutch Baby experiment”

  1. You need a really hot oven to help the batter puff. I set mine at 425. I haven’t tried buttermilk but I have some, so I’ll use it and see if I get the same results you did. I wonder if it was the buttermilk or the half and half that made the batter heavier. Buttermilk is often used in biscuits and scones to make them fluffier. I’ll let you know how my Baby turns out using whole milk and buttermilk.

    BTW, I usually use whole milk and extra large eggs.

  2. I didn’t use half and half–I subbed in buttermilk for the whole cup of milk! I’ll change that temp, thanks. xoxox

  3. Just yesterday I searched your site for pancakes and nothing came up. I can’t wait to try this. Is it similar to Pannekoeken?

  4. I don’t know! What’s a pannekoeken like? I know other words for this are German Pancake and Oven Pancake, and it’s similar to a yorkshire pudding, but cooked in butter instead of drippings.

  5. A Pannekoeken is a type of Dutch pancake (I’ve never heard the term ‘Dutch Baby’ so I thought maybe it was the same thing.) When you take them out of the oven they are puffy but they fall quickly. There’s a couple of restaurants near where I live called Pannekoeken Huis and when you order one the waitresses yell “Pannekoeken!” and rush it out to you before it falls. It’s kind of fun. 🙂

  6. Oooh, I’ve had that, at a place near Stowe Mountain in Vermont. Yeah, that’s much thinner than a Dutch Baby but I think the idea is similar.

  7. I made this a couple Christmases ago based on your raves, and the results were . . . odd. I’ll have to try it again sometime.

  8. OOOOOHHHHH…. I’m drooling. Stop, please!
    I have to make this immediately!

    I just read on ScrappyGirl that you are going all over the place in the next few weeks for work – how fun! I wish the dollar was stronger for you, but you’ll make the most of it. Happy eating and shopping in Europe!

  9. I tried it with buttermilk, too, with similar results. No poofing! Oh well, still a tasty breakfast.

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