Make me a water bottle*

Our last night in Italy I fell so much in love with the bottle from our mineral water that I actually packed it in my suitcase and brought it home with me. I also discovered that photographing clear glass is incredibly tricky.

Once we got home I soaked off the small label that was on the bottom section of the bottle, and I will use it as a water carafe this summer. Those embossed raindrops kill me—so simple and great. Is it weird that I brought back a mineral water bottle as my favorite souvenir?


On a completely different topic, I am thinking a lot about my goals and wishes for this blog, and trying to figure out which direction to go with it. If you have time, do you mind telling me what you’d like to see more of, or what you enjoy reading about? CSA season starts in about 10 days, so I will have lots of produce to write about, and I’m considering a few more ambitious projects, as well. I would love your input.

*I am sad that Salome was kicked off Make me a Super Model while we were gone.

4 thoughts on “Make me a water bottle*”

  1. My favorite posts are about design/decorating, actually–though I love your recipes too. But I think you have a fabulous eye for decorating and design and I’d love to read more of what you have to say about it!

  2. I like your photographs of food prep and the finished result.
    i read very few blogs because most of them contain posts that go on and on ad nauseam– so I like your short, informative posts.

  3. I love your cooking and decorating posts. I would die to have a condo like your apartment…your style is aces!

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