France: First stop, Giverny

We seem to have plunged straight into summer here on the East Coast (mid-90s today? really?), but I’m still longing for spring. We got back from our annual vacation a couple weeks ago; this year we spent a little more than two weeks in France. It was Tuck’s fourth experience with air travel, but his first time overseas, and he did so well.

We visited Giverny for two nights–I had longed to go ever since reading Linnea in Monet’s Garden as a little girl–and while Monet’s grounds were beautiful, I preferred the many other amazing gardens all over the town, simply because the crowds overwhelmed me a bit.

Monet’s gardens:

Monet's Garden

Monet's Garden

Monet's Garden

Monet's Garden







Above, the setting for a dinner al fresco at our wonderful B&B, Le Moulin de Giverny. A lovely evening with guests from all over Europe:

Dinner at the inn in Giverny

Dinner at the inn in Giverny

Dinner at the inn in Giverny

Dinner at the inn in Giverny

The amazing window in our room:


This was my dinner another night. Yes, it’s a big melted cheese. On some bread. It was amazing.


I have lots more to share–we spent a week in the Loire Valley, and six nights in Paris. All my garden pictures are in a set here, and food pictures are here. The whole kit and caboodle (hundreds) are here. Of course, I have to grab my moments on the computer when I can; there’s a lot of this sort of thing happening here at home:

It's official: T is growing up. Lowered crib mattress today. See pic for favorite activity.

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