CSA Week 6: Oh, right. Zucchini season.

We were at the lake for the first part of last week, thanks to many of you fabulous people. More on that after the vegetables.

Ben went to pick up the share after we got home on Tuesday, while I lay flat in the air conditioned bedroom and bemoaned the lack of lake outside our apartment. He took these photos, too, and I guess he saw the flower-like gorgeousness of the lettuce and thought a purple pepper would make a nice accent!



-Bell pepper
-2 ears of corn
-Green beans

I still had a bunch of zucchini from the week before, and we are WAY backlogged with eggs, so I decided to make a frittata for dinner and use up some of each. I got rid of my much-hated Oxo mandoline a while ago (HATE HATE HATE) so I just sliced the zucchini thin with a vegetable peeler. (Also Oxo. Not hated.)


Salted the slices a bit to draw out some of the water:


Softened shallots and then sauteed the zucchini briefly:



Added in six eggs, which I’d beaten with salt, pepper and a big handful of grated parmesan.


So to cook a frittata you start by sort of pulling the edges back gently to get the raw egg to run under the cooked. Eventually if you’re my mom you flip it onto a plate (she never splashes egg everywhere doing this, but I always do) and slide it back in the pan to finish cooking, or if you’re less brave and more traditional, you slip it into the over to finish that way. I opted for the oven because I could tell I had some sticking problems.

Before going into the oven:


After (check with a knife in the middle to make sure it has set all the way through):


I also made green beans with shallots:


And steamed the corn from the farm.


The beans were amazing, so fresh and small and delicious. The corn was awful; I took one bite and spit it out. Starchy and mushy and flavorless; I guess it wasn’t really ready to harvest? I don’t know. Blech. I made sandwiches with the leftover frittata; it is delicious cold or at room temp.

Before we left for the lake I used half of a little CSA cabbage and a kohlrabi, plus a non-CSA carrot, to make slaw:


We ate it with burgers so fully loaded you can’t see the burger in the photo!


Ah, Squam. Thanks to the many of you who voted for me in the Rockywold-Deephaven Camp‘s contest, we spent the weekend in the wooded/watery bliss of the lake.

The weather was gorgeous:


The lake is always amazing:


I love everything from the rustic rooms (box fans provided plenty of cool air at night, even though it was steamy in the city) to the birch trees.


We were generally blissed-out and water-logged, and both got pretty tan (as evidenced by my freckles). (Tan, for us, is relative.)


Thanks to all of you who voted, and to John and Becky at RDC, for the fantastic visit!

3 thoughts on “CSA Week 6: Oh, right. Zucchini season.”

  1. You guys look so happy! I’m glad you enjoyed your time at Squam 🙂

    Also, sorry about your corn – ours was sweet and tasty, maybe you just got a bad ear? (I really want to make a joke here like “what?” I SAID “MAYBE YOU GOT A BAD EAR?” but I realize that the set up is a little off… though I appear to have made it anyway.) More corn this week, here’s hoping it’s tastier!

  2. That last picture is making me so happy! Love you with freckles (and without). x

  3. I know using the oven in this heat is anathema but I think you’d really like one of my favorite zucchini recipes and it’s a great way to use up zucchini. Maybe make it early in the morning before it gets too hot?
    Roasted Zucchini with Feta & Mint
    Heat the oven to 450
    Chop zucchini in 3/4″ chunks (I do favor the smaller zukes but any size will do); toss with olive oil and season generously with salt and pepper.
    Roast, turning once or twice until it is brown and crispy.
    Toss with feta and fresh, julienne mint and more s & p to taste.
    I like it hot, room temp or cold right out of the fridge. It’s great with sausage.

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