Off we go!

Ok, kids. I’m headed off on this epic last-trip-before-baby. We’re driving around Ireland and Scotland for a week (I bought a new umbrella for the occasion), then flying down and renting a place just north of the Spanish-French border for another week. I cannot wait! (But I should really go finish packing.)

I’ve lined up a few things to post while I’m gone, and don’t forget to vote in the Rockywold contest (link in the box on the left sidebar). The voting is pretty out of control since there’s no IP address limiter in place, so I doubt I have much of a chance of winning, but never give up, right?

Finally, this is random but too cute not to share. Ben brought home this tiny container of my favorite local milk for me, since I wouldn’t use up the big container before we left:

Cutest milk!


Have a great couple weeks! I’ll check in if I can, and will be back online in mid-May.

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