Guest post at Design*Sponge

A month or so ago I was honored when I got an invite to write an “In the Kitchen With” column for Grace’s wonderful Design*Sponge. Since spring was finally peering around the corner, I made absorption pasta, that old favorite of mine, with asparagus, pancetta, lemon zest and feta. The post is up today, so check it out!

Beauty shot Re-shoot

And for those of you who came over from Design*Sponge today, welcome! Sorry about the site crash earlier; the volume was a bit much for the server, apparently. If you have any questions for me, please feel free to ask over at formspring!

4 thoughts on “Guest post at Design*Sponge”

  1. This recipe sounds fabulous! With a husband who is obsessed with pasta, I’ll have to try it soon. It sounds similar to one from The Splendid Table that I’ve been making and adore: You add the pasta to the beans and cooking liquid before the pasta is al dente. I wanted to comment because I am also due this summer – August 18! And boy is my appetite kicking into gear. I feel like the little one has been growing by leaps and bounds this past week.

  2. Melissa- We’re on the exact same schedule! I’m due 8/15. I feel like I’m twice as big as I was a week ago; isn’t that weird? I actually measured last night, and there wasn’t a change but I FEEL different. So odd. Congrats!!

  3. Hi Kate! I was catching up on my feed reader when I came across your Design*Sponge post. It’s nice to find another Boston foodie blogger!

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