Breaking news: Porch habitable

This is not food-related, though it will lead to very happy food consumption: Ben got a bee in his bonnet on Sunday and by the end of the afternoon we had a porch covered in lovely new furniture, instead of several broken folding chairs and a pile of wood in a cardboard box. Sadly my computer remains on the fritz so I don’t have any before photos from when we lived here–the best I can do is an old through-the-screen shot from before we moved in:

Wow, useless.

Anyway, here is is now!

Long-time readers may remember the trauma I suffered after Ikea sold out of the very narrow table I
wanted last summer. Well, it turned out to be for the best, since this year they still have the other one, but they also have another 24″ wide table, but this time it is a double gateleg, allowing us to tuck it completely out of the way when not in use, which in turn frees up enough walking space to have those adirondack chairs at the end of the porch.

Closed (just over 7 inches deep):

Dinner for two:

Dinner for four, or six if they are really good friends and careful with their knees:

Brilliant! (We do have two more of those chairs, plus our old folding chairs.)

7 thoughts on “Breaking news: Porch habitable”

  1. Jealous! You need some potted geraniums in the corners and maybe a jasmine to crawl along the railing 🙂

  2. I know! Plants are next (though I have a terrible black thumb; it’s tragic), but first maintenance guys are coming to scrape and paint the peeling paint on the railing. I honestly don’t know if I can keep anything alive, though…

  3. oooo lala! Now THAT is a porch for a summer evening!

    I don’t believe this black thumb thing! Anyone who can cook like you do can garden – if you don’t take plants dying personally. Just think of how many times you’ve burned something … but you don’t think you have a ‘Black Spatula’, right?

    wait, I might be assuming alot here… for all I know you’ve never burned a thing!!!

    you should plant some shiso, Kate … I just planted some in my vegetable beds – they grow quickly and they like shade!

    I LOVE your porch!!! I know you’ll have so many happy evenings there…

  4. B- You’re on.
    Germi- Shiso–intriguing. My CSA gave me a little basil plant languishing in a tiny sprouting pot (?) so at the very least I have to re-pot that! Seriously though, I do not have good luck with plants. And I haven’t actually burned food that often (except when toasting walnuts) [KNOCK WOOD], which is why I was so hurt by that scorched eggplant a while back! Now come visit Boston and show me what to plant.
    Anna- It IS perfect! I love the flexibility. I can’t wait to see what you do with your backyard; I am sort of puzzled by the whole “no access except through the house” part!

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