Systems meltdown

Oh sad. My beloved 12″ powerbook is….not happy. It’s has been overloaded (despite offloading thousands of photos to an external hard drive) and slow and so forth for months, but the other night it froze up and finally I forced it to restart and now it stays on the startup grey screen with the twirling circle of death forever, until I shut it back down. I “zapped the PRAM” (?!) which accomplished nothing. I let it rest overnight and tried again–nothing. We are about to go away for the weekend (to Vail for a Tuck informal-reunion-ski weekend) but next week I think I have to take it to the computer hospital, wherever and whatever that means.

I did manage to get a few photos uploaded before the meltdown, so I’ll try to do a quick post later to leave you on for the weekend. Meanwhile, please think Cheap Fix thoughts towards my poor computer!


2 thoughts on “Systems meltdown”

  1. May your computer not cost you buttloads to fix … It would be so unfair! Have a great trip! I’ll be sending healing tech thoughts your way.

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