Oregon trip: Dad’s birthday dinner

This is a short one–a simple delicious meal, and only a couple pics. But first, flip on over (in a new window!) to Germi’s great Domino garden blog, where she featured Mom’s garden the other day! In honor of Mom’s star turn, here is a photo of Mom (artfully turned away from the camera) in her kitchen:


The kitchen isn’t huge but it’s an efficient layout. They re-did the counters, added a new little window (not shown here) and replaced the appliances earlier this year, and Mom is very fond of her new CaesarStone counters. She says you could spill wine on them and leave it overnight—though she would never, because she’s incredibly tidy—and it wouldn’t leave a mark! We are starting to think about our kitchen renovation, and I’m going to check out CaesarStone myself sometime soon. I liked the feel of it at home.

Ahem. Anyway, Dad doesn’t get as much play on the blog as Mom does, even though he’s an avid blog-reader and big food lover! Maybe this winter he can write a guest post about his famous cassoulet, which he makes about once a year over the course of several days. His birthday was the day I was leaving, and my flight was in the evening so we had a very early dinner to celebrate before we headed to the airport.

For dinner we had more beans from the garden, again prepared with Mom’s homemade lemon confit:


Plus lovely New York steaks with grilled onions and roasted potatoes. Happy Birthday, Dad!


Yum! It was a lovely night out on the deck, and it was brutal to eat a little too quickly and leave, especially since I was in for a red-eye flight in a middle seat. Would you want to stop sitting here with your delightful parents and a glass of wine?

To be fair, the short flight to SF was comfortable and featured a truly stunning sunset. And then I was able to spend 45 minutes in the airport with my Maid of Honor and her fiancé, who were on their way TO Eugene. That was where the fun ended, though, because the red-eye was 100% full, and I was indeed squished between two big guys the entire way.

Here’s that amazing sunset, though–I think what looks like the ocean is actual a sea of clouds. We were just outside Eugene at that point.



3 thoughts on “Oregon trip: Dad’s birthday dinner”

  1. Okay – your Dad makes a famous cassoulet? Yum! Will he make it soon? I can’t wait!
    And thanks for the link… you are so sweet! My best to your Mom!

  2. I doubt we’ll see cassoulet before January or February. In fact, I’ll have to make a request if we want it this year–when he made it last year they were eating it for about two weeks and my Mom was getting pretty tired of it by the end. I guess it stretches a little TOO far when you only have two people eating it!

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